
I decided to do a little blog post about the thing that has been clogging up a lot of my social media lately because big updates on life are important and my oh my is this one a doozy.

As of late if you follow along with my life at all you may know that I have a crazy amazing guy that deals with me enough to claim me as his girlfriend and I wanted to share a little of our story because it’s abnormal and quite the God ordained relationship.

Javan and I met when we were 16 through mutual friends and at the time I thought of him as this babe of a guy who had connections to Africa and then he up and moved there with his family to pursue mission work in Kenya. I didn’t see him for a long time but in the age of technology we saw each others life events – he then moved back to Springfield before our freshman year of college and we connected again and ended up having a “thing” that summer that consisted of hanging out when he wasn’t working grueling hours doing landscaping, preparing for college and I nannied. We connected well, I met his whole family and we had a blast but were young and didn’t have the type of intentions to lead a godly relationship so we bailed, both with doubts but come on…18 years old and new freshman to college, we were wise.

Flash forward 4 years, we had seperate relationships, traveled, lived totally different lives and never spoke but again kept up with each other on social media and eventually that led up to an innocent hangout one night at a donut shop that was meant solely to catch up and little did we know that we would spend 3 hours talking about how God had changed our hearts and what He had done in our lives to bring us to where we are – Christ driven individuals who want to strive after God and God only. Neither one of us had intentions other than catching up but the second we left, we were never the same and haven’t stopped chasing each other.

I was overcome with joy straight from the Lord and a peace that I’d never experienced before. I found the guy, this dude I’ve known for 6 years who went from a crush at 16 to this man of God that has a heart of gold. He’s driven to serve others and be apart of changing lives for the Kingdom. He sees the world, people and situations through the eyes of our Creator and strives to be like Christ. He never stops smiling and doesn’t have a discouraging bone in his body. He pursues me as God intended and he looks at big dreams as if they’re already happening and is running alongside me in my big God dreams.

Y’all, I sat back a long time ago and gave God the promise to not settle for anyone less than what He had for me and out of nowhere this dude came into my life and joined my race – girls, wait for that guy. Guys, strive to be a man worthy of the daughter of the King and He will provide a girl who has grace upon grace for you.

Never settle.

Here are a few photos from 6 years ago to where God has brought us today…did I mention he’s a model? Outta my league y’all.

why did anyone ever let me get bangs? still, he’s a babe.
little babies šŸ™‚

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  1. Kelli, I’m so happy that God has put you and Javan together. You are so right, those who “wait upon the Lord” will never go wrong. Right choices and much prayer will always prevail. You are one of God’s chosen and I pray only the best for you and Javan. I have watched you grow into this young Christian to a very mature young lady after ” God’s own heart”. God bless you both and keep on doing what you’re doing and even greater things. Love you bunches…Mamaw

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Summer Pendergraph February 22, 2017 — 6:57 pm

    Such an amazing life you’re leading, I think of you often, and am so, so happy for the blessings God is granting you! Xxx’s

    Liked by 1 person

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