About Me

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“A subject to which few intellectuals ever give a thought is the right to be a vagrant, the freedom to wander. Yet vagrancy is a deliverance, and life on the open road is the essence of freedom. To have the courage to smash the chains with which modern life has weighted us (under the pretext that it was offering us more liberty), then to take up the symbolic stick and bundle and get out.” – Isabelle Eberhardt

My name is Kelli Woody, I am currently living in Savannah, GA and I’m 22 years old. I’m a huge fan of The Lord and the passions He has given me for Photography and Travel. I am ardent about the idea of breaking down walls and making day dreams become a reality. I am pursuing a career as a Freelance Photographer with a focus on Humanitarian Photography.

I post a lot of my work on here but if you want a deeper look follow me on instagram, I post frequently.

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